Sunday, March 21, 2010

Jesus went Jackie Chan...

Guess what, guys? I'm a fraud. I seem to have it all together. I seem to be this super-Christian that has all of the answers and never does anything wrong. I seem to be the super-Christian that reads his bible every day and prays constantly.

I'm not.

I DON'T have it all together. I DON'T spend enough time, or any time, with God. I don't pray about all of my problems. I'm NOT a super-Christian. Nor will I ever be. But God wants me to try. So, this weekend at Watermarks, God decided to completely wreck me. He slapped me in the face multiple times. Really hard. The speaker, Matt, talked about love for God and how, through that love, we receive grace. Through grace, we desire God. Through that desire, we seek God. Through seeking God, He becomes magnified. Matt called it the "hamster wheel" because all of it is full-circle. Love to grace, grace to desire, desire to seeking, seeking back to love.

When you love someone, you put tons of time and effort into making that relationship absolutely perfect. Yet, when it comes to God, what do we do? Pray a little? Open up a bible every now and then? That's crap, guys. God sent His Son to DIE on a cross to make our relationship absolutely perfect and we return the favor by doing...nothing. I give NOTHING to God. Needless to say, He wasn't too happy about that. I was informed by God (very blatantly) that I need to get off my high horse, man up, jump out of my comfort zone, and start acting like the Christian that I claim to be. If I show love for my God, the desire to pursue Him becomes incredible. "Desire comes from longing, longing comes from love, love comes from God, God comes by Jesus, Jesus came with grace." If I have that longing, that desire, to pursue God, my world will be absolutely flipped on its head. God deserves every bit of love that anyone could ever possibly give. After all, if only ONE person in the world believed in God, Jesus would have still come down and died for that ONE person. He loves us that much. It's incredible.

So I say it's time I start loving God and giving Him all my time.

Wanna help each other?

love. grace. desire. seek. magnify.

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