I've recently come to realize that my biggest fear is the fear of being alone. Not the fear of being alone in a room and not the fear of sitting by myself somewhere but, being alone in my life. I'm the kind of guy that, unfortunately, uses relationships as a means to happiness. I use dating to fill that void, that emptiness, that is created from my fear of being alone. I've let dating take the place of.....everything. I'm trying SO hard to fill that void that I've overlooked the obvious solution: bringing God deeper into my life. God has been tearing me apart recently. He wants to be back in my life so badly and what do I do? I push Him away. I push Him away because I would rather have that cute girl in my class or I would rather hang out with that funny girl on Friday night. Wow, how much more selfish can I be?? Did that girl die on the cross for me? Did that girl abolish sin for me? Well, God sent His son to do all of that but yet, I still turn my back on Him. In Matthew, God says "..and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of age." God will be with us to the very end of age. God loves us unconditionally. He loves us more than we can imagine. Heck, God IS love. So don't you think we could manage to give Him a little bit of our time?? God wants to be that person in your life that makes you happy. He wants to be that person that you run to for every problem you have. Remember back when you were little and you would fall off your bike? You would have a scratch and you would run to your mom to make it all better. Well God wants to be the person you run to when you fall. He wants to make everything better. He wants to make you feel loved. He wants to make you feel accepted. He wants to make you feel adored. He wants to make you feel cherished. He wants to make you feel all of these things because to Him, you're everything. With Him you're never alone. Never.
-Carter L.