I just feel the need to express a few random things that are on my heart so....here it goes.
Dictionary.com has a couple definitions for the term "church." The first one is "a building for public Christian worship." Understandable and obvious, right? The second is this: " a body of Christians worshipping in a particular building or constituting one congregation." Hmm....a body of Christians...this second definition is what the Bible refers to the church as. Not a building, not a tent, not a cathedral, but a BODY. A group of fellow Christians gathering in a place to worship their God. Without this group of Christians, the church would not exist. Sure, there might be a building standing there with the word "church" in the title but, is it really a church? Definitely not. It's just a building. Guys, we, as Christians, have to help each other out.
Now is the time when accountability and love come into play. We also have to be real with ourselves. Going to church every Sunday doesn't make you a Christian. If you sat in a garage every Sunday, would that make you a car? No, I don't think so. So quit posing, step up, and act like the Christian that you really are. THEN help out your fellow Christian friends. It's crucial that we help each other. Nobody can do it on their own.
What do you want out of church? What do you strive to achieve by coming to a building and meeting with a bunch of Christians? Social time? A chance for you to answer a bunch of questions and look smart and religious? A time for you to be up front where everyone can see you? Or do you strive to come be with friends, encouraging them and lifting them up in the name of God? I have a challenge for you: next time you step in those doors and enter a building with the rest of your church, the body of Christ, make sure you have the right mindset. Make sure you're there for the right reason. If you're not then, what's the use? God wants us back. Let's give Him what He wants.
-Carter L.