People complain about different organizations that are, supposedly, "cults" or places that all of the bad people go. One of these places is Young Life. Even though thousands of people come to know the Lord through camps and club. The reason Young Life gets the bad wrap about being a place that all of the bad people go is because Young Life is an organization that tries to get people who don't have a relationship with God to come and hopefully learn something. Who cares if it's not led by a youth pastor and who cares if it's not in a youth building?? It's led by people who love God and it's a place where friends and fellow believers come to have fun and fellowship. I'm sorry if I hurt someone's feelings but, guys, get over it! Everything doesn't have to be done by the book. If Christians were the only ones that went to Young Life then, what would be the point?? The point of Young Life is to give students a place to go on Wednesday nights that is safe. A place that they can learn things about their Creator and a place that is filled with people who love them. So be happy that people are coming to Christ and get over your own preferences and wrong ideas. Be happy.
-Carter L.