Saturday, January 24, 2009

Jealousy: Is It Worth It??

Jealousy is a confusing part of the human mind. I have severe jealousy in many aspects of my life. Sure, I get jealous when my girlfriend talks to other guys and I get jealous when someone is better at something then I am. What's the point?? We always want something more. We always want to be MORE. But we will never be perfect. We'll always want something better.

Exodus 20:5 says, "You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me." God gets jealous when we "worship" other things in our lives. Whether it be our favorite band or our iPods, we ALL worship something other than God. He should be the main focus in our lives. Forget all of these worldly possessions that we cling on to for dear life! We won't have them in Heaven so, who cares?? I'm guilty of this too so I'm not writing about something I'm not guilty of. God is JEALOUS of us guys. The Lord of all creation is JEALOUS of what we put our faith into. How could we worship something other then our Father when He sent His Son to DIE for us? What are we thinking??

We'll never be perfect. But with God's help, we can sure as heck be close.

-Carter L.

Decisions, Decisions

I have always felt that I should go into the ministry in some way, shape, or form. The problem is, in what way will I serve God? Music is a huge part of my life. I love the drums and I have recently picked up guitar. So music ministry is a definite possibility. I also love working with people my age and working with kids younger than I am. I feel like going into youth ministry would be an awesome and amazing job. The real question is: can I handle it?? It seems that I may have to decide some pretty huge things in my near future.

The point of this blog is to ask anyone reading to be praying for me and my decisions on how to serve the Lord. It's a huge step to try and figure out what to do with the rest of my life and I don't want to decide spur of the moment. I need God's help and my friend's help. It's a big deal but it'll be an awesome ride.

-Carter L.